111 nations signed on to a draft treaty this last month in Dublin,
Ireland to outlaw the use of cluster munitions by their military forces.
The United States boycotted this conference to produce a humane treaty.
Cluster munitions contain dozens to hundreds of bomblets designed to
explode above ground, inflicting maiming and lethal wounds. All
battlefield weapons are cruel, but clusters rank up there with land
mines––not only for their impact in battle, but more importantly because
of their extensive residual damage long after the battlefield is quiet
and overgrown.
Like land mines, the crippling and lethal legacy
of cluster munitions is primarily on civilians––one in four victims are,
children. The most recent example of their use was by the U.S. and
Britain in the invasion of Iraq and Israel’s invasion of southern
Lebanon against Hezbollah. The munitions used by Israel were older
models purchased from American stocks that were prone to failure, with
greater residual threats to civilian populations.
We should not
lose sight of the irony that the U.S. is one of the five permanent
members of the UN Security Council––the world’s major munitions
producers (plus Israel)––the majority of which opposed the Dublin draft
If we ever needed proof of the degree to which America’s
culture has been militarized it has to be our government’s foreign
policy position on cluster munitions and land mines and that there is no
meaningful political opposition. Eisenhower’s warning in 1961 about the
threat of the military-industrial complex to the survival of our
democracy is no longer merely a threat but is now fact with the
universal acceptance by our political leadership of American
Only four senators voted for a ban on cluster
munitions in 2006.These munitions, a legacy of First World War trench
warfare tactics, are ludicrous for our nation’s defense needs in the
21st Century. Outmoded military judgments continue to trump the moral
judgment of our political leaders.
Little wonder our nation has
lost moral leadership in world affairs. Would the people do any worse
than their leaders. I doubt it. Take another look at the National
Initiative in www.citizen-power.us.