Dear Friends:
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your
support of my recent presidential candidacy and for your support for my
public efforts in the past.
My electoral career spanned more than
50 years and 18 campaigns as a candidate. Some of you will remember
that, when I lost my Senate re-election in 1980, I was disillusioned
with representative government. But I continued my interest in and study
of public policy and of the problems of human governance, eventually
finding others who shared my goal of improving our broken representative
For all the talk of change in this - and every - election, there are
really only two venues for fundamental change: the people and the
government. We all know that our government has, by and large, been
corrupted by money from lobbyists for various corporate interests. As a
result, it's the special interests that are primarily served by our
government - not the public interest.
Government gridlock has
occurred because of the way the structures of government have evolved.
But the Congress, and state and local governments, have little interest
in enacting legislation to empower the people because doing so would
dilute their own power. The same is true for the media, which covets
its current role as a filter of information between the government and
the people.
I believe that no matter who becomes our next
president, true change in government will only occur if American
citizens - We, The People - are empowered to vote on the important
issues that affect our lives. Think of an engaged citizenry as the
fourth branch of government, or as has been suggested, as adding a
fourth leg to a wobbly chair that will otherwise fall
Lawmaking is the central power of government. I believe
that empowering voters to share this power, in partnership with their
elected representatives, is the solution to the gridlock our nation
faces. This addition of Direct Democracy is outlined in a legislative
proposal called the National for Democracy.
We saw that electing
more Democrats to Congress did not end the war in Iraq. If the People
could have voted, I believe our troops would be home already. If the
People could vote, I believe we would re-direct our national priorities
away from the bloated military-industrial complex; away from the "war"
on drugs, which has resulted in more Americans in prison for non-violent
behavior than any other country in the world; and away from government
invasion of our personal privacy.
If the People could vote, I
believe we would establish different priorities to ensure the civil
liberties of all citizens; to repair our national infrastructure; to
encourage solutions to our energy policies that respect the environment
and don't create food shortages; to ensure access to healthcare; and to
develop educational opportunities that will lead to a vibrant economy
and a better future for our children and grandchildren.
the National Initiative was the reason I entered the presidential
campaign - first as a Democrat and subsequently as a Libertarian after I
realized that, contrary to myth, both major parties are controlled by
the influences of Wall Street and the military-industrial complex. Our
economy is in deep fiscal trouble, with a society that spends more than
it earns, and with a nation purposely kept on a permanent war footing. I
am sad to say, regardless of who wins in November, not a great deal will
Ending my electoral career, however, is not the close of
my career of political activism. I will return to my work with the
Democracy Foundation to educate Americans about the National Initiative
and encourage Americans to vote in sufficient numbers to enact it into
law. I hope Americans will come to realize that it is their right to
vote directly on the issues that affect their lives. I will spend the
rest of my life working to realize that goal.
In an effort to
earn a living while pursuing the causes we hold dear, I will be signing
on with a speakers bureau. This will dovetail nicely with the book tours
I will be making to promote Citizen Power, self-published at Author
House, which can be purchased online at Chapter 2 and
12 argue the case for the National Initiative in detail. The appendix
also has the text of the proposed legislation.
I will also be
promoting two other books which I co-authored, available at your local
MAN'S FIGHT TO STOP IT, published by Seven Story Press, with Joe Lauria;
and The KINGMAKERS: How the Media Threatens Our Security and Our
Democracy, published by Phoenix Books, with Dr. David Eisenbach. Another
book, Voice of a Maverick: The Speeches and Writings of Senator Mike
Gravel, published by Brandywine House Books & Media.
I hope
you will join me in that effort with both personal and financial
If you wish to donate to help continue my fight for our
country, please do so today. As we change the site over to a public
policy effort, I will continue to accept donations to advance the cause
of peace, justice and the empowerment of the American
Since the Democracy Foundation is a 501c3, donations for
the educational effort of the National Initiative are tax deductible and
can be made at
Again, let me heartily
thank you for your support. May our paths cross again in the near
future as we work to improve our nation and the world we
Mike Gravel