Thank You

Dear Friends,
We want to thank you for the support and dedication that has sustained us throughout Mike's campaign.  On Sunday, May 25th, Mike knew that his career in politics would either continue through November or end at the Libertarian convention.  Though Mike's career in active politics is now over, we know his message does not end here. 

The message of empowering the people transcends any candidacy.  It transcends any individual, but draws right from the people and their infinite well of creativity.  To quote James Wilson, the wisest (and Mike's favorite) of The Founding Fathers, "All power is originally in the People and should be exercised by them in person, if that could be done with convenience, or even with little difficulty."
The answer has been there all along.  Don't look to representative government alone; look to yourselves.  Promote the National Initiative, share it with others, and encourage them to sign on. 
As for Mike, he will continue to write and speak on the issues, promote the National Initiative as well as his books coming out this summer.  They include The Kingmakers, co-written with Professor David Eisenbach, an analysis and polemic on corporate media and how it distorts our political dialogue, including Mike's own campaign.  A Political Odyssey, co-written with Joe Lauria, is an examination of Mike's career in politics, his personal life, his fight against the Military-Industrial-Complex and the rise of US imperial power.
  There is also The Voice of A Maverick, a compilation of Mike's speeches and writings from his presidential campaign. 
Again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the unwavering support, and will keep you informed of Mike's efforts to bring peace, freedom, and love to our society.  We salute Senator Gravel's service to our country, and eagerly look forward to what the future holds.
The message is simple.  Power to the people.  Give peace a chance.  It's up to us to share it.

Our deepest thanks and gratitude,
Jon Kraus & Skyler McKinley
Deputy Campaign Managers
Mike Gravel for President