Mass Donation Day=Today!!!

Hey everybody,

   If you already haven't, please show your support to Mike Gravel and protest the debate by making a donation today!!  Today is the mass donation day where we show everyone that we can't be silenced!! 

Thank You....



Regarding a mass donation day on December 10th, I really think we should get the word out on that.  Anyone good with websites that could make a page like  its pretty good looking site and if we had a site like that we could start blogging about it and linking to it.  I think its important we start right away.




The credit card companies charge a fee for when you use your credit card online. So if you donate money, he doesn't get all of it.

Paypal is another option.

Paypal is another option.

Paypal doesn't take like a

Paypal doesn't take like a 2% administrative fee or something when you use your credit card for Gravel?

Don't know for sure - I use

Don't know for sure - I use a checking account. I think it is different with a credit card. If Sen. Gravel has a biz account via paypal - they may charge him. I had forgotten about that. If it is not a biz account, there is no fee for checking accounts (as far as I know - please don't quote me on that). Hmmm - maybe I'll do check via snail mail in December for the next mass donation day. . . Any word from HQ about what they prefer??

Does someone from the campaign know...

How succesful our donations have been?


Also, I think we can organize this better as Sen. Gravel supporters. Ron Paul supporters have it down, we can do better:


I say we shoot for a November 15th or December 10th (day of debates) as days of donations. We could see how succesful the Ron Paul day was, and organize to 1up them (in good taste of course).

Mass Donation Day

Lets make it December 10th, even though its farther away, because we need to get thoroughly organized.  Anybody on here that could make a nice website like the rp one, that would be awesome.   We really need to start pushing this if we want it to get done tho.  We need to start writing blogs and posting comments EVERYWHERE as soon as we can get people signed on.


For the last few months, I've been donating to Mike's campaign shortly after the first of the month. Tonight, I'm doing my November donation early. I wish my budget allowed me to donate more money and more often, but it doesn't. I've never felt stronger about supporting a candidate than I do about Mike as he has won my heart with his truthfulness and logical thinking.


I hope everyone is donating! By the way, if you are having difficulties (I was having problems with donating by credit card) you can use the Paypal option to donate by credit card as well. I am hoping that the reason why I was having problems is because there are so many people donating!



I donated to Mike!

We did, too. I've noticed a

We did, too. I've noticed a lot of guests to the site today - hope they are donating, too!

Me too

Even though I don't have a whole lot of cash, and I already donated (the first time I've ever done so :) ), I am donating some more as I type.


Yeah, me too, and I have also never contributed to a candidate before this election. I guess Mike is the first candidate I actually believe in.


i have never donated to a candidate before, either,

and I have donated twice, as of yesterday! amazing. we have a kid off to first year of college - expensive!