Republicans, Democrats Play Power Politics As America Burns

The White House and the Democratic Senate are caught up in a cynical game of who blinks first when it comes to making appointments to head the Federal Election Commission, said Senator Mike Gravel during a campaign stop at Cornell University in upstate New York. The FEC is the federal agency tasked with enforcing campaign laws and investigating violations.

“This is politics as usual,” said Gravel. “The Republicans are seeking to force cronies into positions of power, as the Democrats bring the federal government to a grinding halt. Meanwhile, the FEC has been effectively neutered with respect to policing the entire 2008 election cycle as a result of Democrats blocking appointments.”

More precisely, added Gravel, Sen. Barack Obama has been identified in the Senate as one of the senators who has a hold on these appointments.

With only two members, the six-member commission is two votes short of the quorum it needs to protect the interests of the American people. As a result, the FEC is unable to certify public funding for presidential candidates. The agency is also unable to investigate allegations of campaign finance violations in this election cycle, which has spawned unprecedented amounts of donations.

“The two major parties in Washington could resolve this impasse,’ said Gravel. “But it now appears that their power is being abused to prevent any other presidential candidates from getting a fair shake.”


Banana Republic

Here's more on the corrupting influence of $$,


It's all a big game for the insiders.  And who gets the short end????


Fed up with politics as usual?  Time to empower the people.


Gravel 08

it's not fair!

I's very important to continue in this campaign agaist these unfit competitors! Go mike

Un-Democratic Party



The fact that Mike and dennis Kucinich were excluded from most of the televised debates shows the Democratic Party leaders care not about fairness.

The Good Ol' Republicrats...

Is that kinda like how Ron Paul was excluded for the first Republican debate held on Fox Old News? Good luck, Mike.