Pushing Sen. Gravel's stance on preventative and wholistic medicine

I'm telling you guys, we need to push this issue. Sen. Gravel stated in answer to a question by my hubby, Mike, that his health care certificate plan would encompass wholistic and preventetive medicine (acupuncture, homeopathy, herbology, chiropractic, accupressure, massage therapy, etc., etc.) as well as allopathic. This is a HUGE thing! He will be the only Democratic candidate (republican as well except for RP) who has even mentioned it (as far as I know). The wholistic health care movement is giant! There are a lot of people who are sick (literally) of the Medical Industrial Complex and allopathic drug pushers and are turning to alternative health care because it often cures the uncurable - problem is, most insurance companies don't cover it and the MIC is trying to push it down (no money in a cure). If Sen. Gravel could make up something definite saying his plan would cover it - a statement, a blurb on his blog, or something official that we could use other than the Q&A answer - it would be a big bonus to his campaign. There is a desperate need in this country for coverage for alternative and preventetive medicine. Here is a youtube of Bill Maher ranting about this issue. . .



Free America - Vote Gravel '08!


How could we go about

How could we go about promoting this?

There's a very popular alternative health doctor...

Dr. Mercola, who has over a million subscribers to his newsletter (I'm one of them). Right now he's endorsing Ron Paul, but assuming Gravel gets the Libertarian nomination I'm sure he'd want someone to endorse for the General Election.


Here he mentions why Ron Paul.




Mercola also has a lot of youtube videos out there!

Here's the link to the Q&A

Here's the link to the Q&A where Mike mentions this:

It's a brief comment: "Could your proposed health care vouchers be used for alternative medical treatments, such as naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, or other treatments not recognized by the mainstream medical establishment?" Sen. Mike Gravel: "Totally, totally. And preventive medicine. I'm very very much in favor of holistic health care. "

Free America - Gravel '08!

Do any other candidates have

Do any other candidates have this as part of their healthcare plans? I imagine Kucinich would, but can't be certain. Europe uses homepathic and alternative medicine wayyyyy more than us, and it's totally credible. We're just caught up in the medical-industrial-complex.


Stop and think. How much money would drug companies lose with the legalization of marijuana alone? Quite a lot. There's no money in medicine that you can grow in your garden.




Obviously if you could grow

Obviously if you could grow your own medicine and have it work not just marijuana but other plants companies would be losing money, I buy discount vitamins online all the time along with herbs like golden seal plus others that i cant spell properly and take them anytime im sick or need to for allergies etc.

Serious scientific inquiry

Serious scientific inquiry must be made in holistic medicine. Many of the people pushing it are quacks and charlatans, taking advantage of the ignorant. Many of the so called cures can be attributed to the placebo effect. The fact that you included homeopathy shows a lack of knowledge on the subject. Homeopathy is a load of crap. It just flies in the face of science.

Umm, I think you are the one

Umm, I think you are the one that needs to do the research. Looks like you got your information from the IMC. Serious scientific study into holistic medicine has been going on for 100's of years - and the outcomes are great. You have to hunt for the studies because they are deliberately buried. Oh, FYI, the placebo affect doesn't work on animals and I have personally seen homeopathy cure fatal diseases in animals. Yes, cure meaning completely gone. And we are talking diseases that allopathic medicine can't do anything about. I wont even get started on this because it is an issue I am very passionate about and this is not the place to hash this out. I agree there are lots of quacks out there in both holistic and allopathic medicine; however, I think most of them are in the pharmaceutical industry. Besides, it is up to the individual to take responsibility for their health and make sure that they trust their healthcare provider- whatever they choose to do.

Anyway - whether you believe in holistic medicine or not, Sen. Gravel allowing his health care plan to encompass it is HUGE. If people choose to go to "quacks" (allopathic or holistic) it is their choice. No one should be told what form of medicine they can use. And with his health care certificates, everyone is given an amount they are projected to need - how they use it is up to them. They can either take the "happy pill" and suffer the consequences later or cure the root cause of the illness - comletely up to them.

Free America - Vote Gravel '08!

I think you are very wise Lori

I think you are very wise, Lori, to avoid rising to the bait and debate on particular forms of therapy. I know that here in Thailand a lot of care is taken in massage therapy, for instance, that can change the life of a westerner, and his or her outlook on medicine in short order. I'm thinking of a friend who had terrible problems with his feet his whole life long and in his seventh decade tried a massage here in Thailand that cured, in your use of the term, his problem in about a week. Or less. Startling improvement in one day.

I have perhaps the same opinion as Al Bundy of homeopathy. But the point is to break the strangle hold of, not even western medicine so much as, "for-profit" healthcare in the sense that arpi is speaking of below. The kind of "for-profit" medicine that views disease and dysfunction as a profit-center. The kind of medicine that views a cure as the worst possible outcome.

Everyone has to make a living. No one has the right to make a killing.


Times have changed. We are going to empower the American people. Let’s work together. I am tough. I’m not afraid. None of this politics as usual. Mike Gravel

This is the kind of problem

This is the kind of problem I'm concerned with. The brain takes up less than 3% of a human's total body weight but it uses up around 20% of the body's total energy. Clearly people underestimate how much our brain can affect our health. I just gave an example of how prolonged periods of stress can kill you by making the E. coli in your intestines produce toxins. Many of these "cures" could simply be attributed to reducing in stress. The E. coli in our intestines are not the only bacteria that want to feed on our carcasses if we die. The E. coli producing toxin in response to endorphins is an evolutionary adaptation. In the past, if someone was under so much stress that there's endorphins in our intestines, then that person was likely in a life threatening situation. The E. coli produces the toxin to kill that person before something else can kill him so that it can feed on the carcass and ensure its own survival. There are who knows how many kinds of bacteria inside your body that react similarly to ensure their own survival. Not only does stress wear down your immune system, it can turn helpful bacteria into harmful ones. That's just an example of something that we really should do more research on in order to advance our understanding of preventative and holistic medicine.


The point I'm trying to make is that the people who push these alternative medicines can become just as bad as the medical industrial complex. With the drugs big pharma is pushing, at least we have a reasonably good idea as to how they work. There is science behind that. With alternative medicines that haven't been properly researched, they can push all sorts of crap that we don't need, or worse that make us sicker. Just look at all those "faith healers," they're all a bunch of frauds who prey on the vulnerable and steal their money. Look at Peter Popoff, he was proven to be a fraud 20 years ago and now he's back, pushing the same crap again but on a much bigger scale.

Do you know the guiding idea

Do you know the guiding idea behind homeopathy? It's based on the idea that the more diluted a medicine is, the more potent it is. The average homeopathic remedy is diluted in 10 parts water or alcohol 30 times. If you've even taken high school chemistry, then you should know that bullshit. Avogradro's number is 6.02 x 10^23, which means that there's 6.02 x 10^23 molecules of water in 18 grams of water. If you dilute a substance in 10 parts water 23 times then you'll only have a few molecules of the substance in 18 grams of water. If you diluted it 30 times then in order to even find one molecule of the substance you'll need a couple oceans full of water. There is no active ingredients at all in homeopathic remedies.

Real holistic medicine takes into consideration the entirety of an organism. Humans have 10 trillion human cells but we have over 100 trillion bacterial cells both on and in us. The interaction between many of the symbiotic bacteria and us is not well understood. We know that many of these bacteria produce neurotrasmitters that can affect our moods but we don't really know to what extent. We know that there's E. coli living inside our intestines that help process waste and we've discovered that they can produce toxins but only when exposed to significant amounts of endorphins. Endorphins are of course created when the body is under stress and the only time when it gets into the intestines is when there's a very high concentration of it due to prolonged periods of stress. Understanding how endorphin can trigger these E. coli to produce toxins can obviously benefit us greatly but research of that kind is barely being done.

Definitely Agree

I definitely agree, and this is something I hadn't heard. If we can get Mr. Gravel to have a couple written and taped statements on this it would give a huge area to promote to.



Mike is a very open-minded,

Mike is a very open-minded, and conceptual thinker. He will definitely consider this, and whatever he decides will most likely be the right choice.


I have faith in Mike Gravel.





Anything in moderation, nothing to excess.

Combining science, medicine, and profit, cannot produce health when the emphasis is on profit.


 It was applied science that to led many medical discoveries and cures, but it is naturopathy that completes the healing process. Sometimes the reverse is true. They really work quite well together when given a chance, but medicine for profit eliminates a lot of opportunity for well being in general.


As alien as the concept may seem, profit and health will never make good bedfellows. If you had to chose between one or the other what would it be? Health? Then why are we given little choice but to opt for profit?


Where there is more emphasis on profit than health increased sickness is the net result. To avoid the kind of rationalizing that produces this insanity, health care must be the one place where politics is a 'silent partner'.


Canadians, Brits, the French, - we are watching our once much touted universal health care programs being 'inexorably' dismantled in the name of 'for profit' care giving. As lawyers and accountants take political control,  social 'sanguinity' keeps disappearing. Profit for a few - yes, but no socially redeeming values are being produced to replace those lost.


This is the real cost of the 'New World Order'... this is what HRC's headlining of the most highly orchestrated rip-off in history is producing.


www.debandlongtermcare.com C'est la guerre.