Has anyone heard anything about what happened last night? I was so hopeful, and then dashed...Could someone from the campaign please let us know what happened to the votes when you all find out? Thanks!
But with over a half a million absentee ballots (IDK how many have been counted), we'll see what goes on tomorrow. I have full faith in the campaign to figure out what's going on...though if someone had tivoed or screenshoted the change in votes- that would be great.
If someone has a screenshot of the two, please take it and put it up somewhere... that way we'll have some record
glad this is stirring so much controversy, (I hope our posts didn't cause anything to be changed but who knows) maybe someone at the stations finally asked, where the hell is the other 8% and they decided to fudge the results the bastards!
to mike gravel
we all love you dearly and care for you. while the blacklisting of your campaign has devastated us all, we will all rally around the best independent campaign to come out of this whole thing, yours!
please put up a plan of action for mobilizing your independent campaign. time is of the essence
I have no idea, I guess the other website someone said was correct. CNN had Mike at 22,000 as well too, but all they are talking about is the Republicans, and we aren't listed on the bottom of the screen. Ahhhhh!
If the 2,000+ number is correct, then that's last place again..being beaten by several candidates who have withdrawn.
Cnn.com does not even list Mike Gravel on their FL results page...is this them completely ignoring him or keeping him off because of the vote total situation?
I'm pessimistic about the future. I already feel guilty because I couldn't finish my book before the primaries. I hope that in November, I can encourage people to vote for Gravel as an independent. I just need to make sure that I publish my book before November.
I see that I can only rely on State comissions, but when I saw the sudden transformation in the New York Times, I wonder if someone hacked into the voting machines.
why the Republican numbers didn't change wildly like the Democrats. I was looking at their numbers as well, and they stayed the same...There really is something rotten going on here, I think...
Our hope is that Sen. Gravel did disproportianately well in the mail in ballots (which makes a lot of sense, as he was the only one campaigning there- and I think those are hand-counted, not electronic- not that I'm sure there's foul play, but I'm throwing it out there).
I'll just take a wait and see approach- I'm sure you guys will get to the bottom of it.
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by J. Skyler McKinley
For us to call the New York Times, because they've changed their results to match that of the Florida Secretary of State, whose office does not count mail-in ballots yet.
The Mainstream Media was wrong in first reporting that we got 20K votes outright. They are not technically wrong now in reporting that we're hovering around 3000.
Before we stop and think, let's wait and see. The results should equalize as soon as we know more.
I don't think they can do that. If the campaign feels this could be the case, I'm sure we'd call for a recount. However, it is still early and the results could change.
Also, check out the reporting status link: http://enight.dos.state.fl.us/2008PPP/20080129_STAT.html Most of the Central Time Zone precincts in Florida (where I am at the moment) haven't reported in yet. And according to the website, they certify *all* of a precinct's votes at once, including early voting and mail in ballots.
Yes, it looks fishy. It may well be fishy. But those not-reporting-yet precincts may well be the answer - if perhaps the early results were based upon an uncertified count of *all* early voting, and then were revised to reflect the results coming in. Also - I think the Central precincts are going to trend a bit more towards Mr. Gravel, as they're a bit more independent in nature.
I genuinely suspect foul play. Removing thousands of votes is an insult to the Floridian voters who had the sanity to support Gravel.
I really want Gravel to have a chance to win. I just hope that my vote will not be suppressed when I will vote for him on February 12th in Maryland.
If votes are being suppressed, then what can I do? I want to help him win as an 3rd party candidate in November, but I really wonder if my book can have an impact.
Thank you for letting me know that Gravel got 3% of the vote with the New York Times.
Earlier today, I had a severe nervous breakdown because I have been so pessimistic about the future.
However, this piece of information reassured me.
Is it normal for me to feel extremely depressed when people don't take me seriously in my "get to know Gravel" campaign in MD? I feel like Cassandra sometimes. I don't want to be told "I'm right" years later. I just want to live, finish my studies and improve this country.
I don't want to die in a nuclear world war this spring.
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Shawn in Louisville
Don't take it too hard, though. Imagine how Mike feels, trying to get his message out every day to people who are so apathetic. The Catch 22 of implementing the National Initiative is that the people have given up power for so long, they don't even think it's possible to take it back. And when most people think something is impossible they won't give it any attention, and they'll mock you for trying.
The people in this campaign are not most people. Mike is certainly not most people. We are the kind of people that look at the impossible as a challenge. We root for the underdog, because persistence is a hallmark of character. We are inspired by someone that won't give up when the going gets tough. We respect someone that slogs it out day after day not for personal gain, but because it is the right thing to do.
You're lucky to live in Maryland, you might actually be able to protest in DC once in a while, and meet other folks that care as much about their country as you do. Having some good intelligent company will certainly lift your spirits, and inspire you to do great things!
Actually, CNN had a mention of him just under an hour ago. Shortly thereafter, though, they called the state for Hillary, and have spent the last hour arguing about the Republicans.
The right question to ask CNN or any other outlet is if Gravel is so insignificant, why are they so afraid of reporting on his numbers or campaign. They are all part of the military industrial complex.
Florida votes
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by SharonHas anyone heard anything about what happened last night? I was so hopeful, and then dashed...Could someone from the campaign please let us know what happened to the votes when you all find out? Thanks!
CNN just had a little announcement...
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by seventy-oneWhere they said that Sen. Gravel had 5,000 votes.
But with over a half a million absentee ballots (IDK how many have been counted), we'll see what goes on tomorrow. I have full faith in the campaign to figure out what's going on...though if someone had tivoed or screenshoted the change in votes- that would be great.
Hopefully the 22k votes is
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by tbutkovicHopefully the 22k votes is true. That would be amazing.
Though, I don't understand the people of florida. The DNC and the democrats didn't even CAMPAIGN there, and Gravel did... yet he's still in last!
What's wrong with people? Seriously? Ughhhh.
Can anyone explain mikes
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by L.TCan anyone explain mikes votes ( N.Y times )going from22,000 to 2,800 ???
If someone has a screenshot
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by peteIf someone has a screenshot of the two, please take it and put it up somewhere... that way we'll have some record
glad this is stirring so much controversy, (I hope our posts didn't cause anything to be changed but who knows) maybe someone at the stations finally asked, where the hell is the other 8% and they decided to fudge the results the bastards!
to mike gravel
we all love you dearly and care for you. while the blacklisting of your campaign has devastated us all, we will all rally around the best independent campaign to come out of this whole thing, yours!
please put up a plan of action for mobilizing your independent campaign. time is of the essence
No Idea...
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by J. Skyler McKinleyTrying to figure it out now.
Perhaps they stopped counting early ballots? Mail in ballots, that would be.
This is very weird, I
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798This is very weird, I definetly can't figure out why. Of course, I'm too frustrated to think at all right now!
Gravel '08
I have no idea, I guess the
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798I have no idea, I guess the other website someone said was correct. CNN had Mike at 22,000 as well too, but all they are talking about is the Republicans, and we aren't listed on the bottom of the screen. Ahhhhh!
Gravel '08
Wow...what the hell is
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by chadasmithWow...what the hell is happening..
If the 2,000+ number is correct, then that's last place again..being beaten by several candidates who have withdrawn.
Cnn.com does not even list Mike Gravel on their FL results page...is this them completely ignoring him or keeping him off because of the vote total situation?
What the Hell?
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by SharonHas anyone noticed that Mike's votes just went from 21,000+ to 2,800? What in the heck is going on here???
I have no idea, right now I
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798I have no idea, right now I am contemplating throwing my computer out the window - some one stop me! How could this have happened?
Gravel '08
Biden's numbers have dropped, too
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by SharonThey originally had Biden with 14,000 votes, and now he's down to just over 8,000? What is going on here???
Ahhhhh! I was so excited
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798Ahhhhh! I was so excited too! Damnit!
Gravel '08
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798NY Times just dropped Gravel to last place with 2, 839 votes! What the hell happened?!
Gravel '08
Oh my God...I'm depressed
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by HitsumeiOh my God...I'm depressed again...-_-
I'm pessimistic about the future. I already feel guilty because I couldn't finish my book before the primaries. I hope that in November, I can encourage people to vote for Gravel as an independent. I just need to make sure that I publish my book before November.
I see that I can only rely on State comissions, but when I saw the sudden transformation in the New York Times, I wonder if someone hacked into the voting machines.
How can I survive the next 11 months?
Am I the only one thinking...
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by seventy-onerecount?
What are the rules? The campaign should demand an explanation from.
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by J. Skyler McKinleyMail-in ballots from early voting may have been disregarded in the polls. We'll see what happens.
But it wouldn't explain
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Sharonwhy the Republican numbers didn't change wildly like the Democrats. I was looking at their numbers as well, and they stayed the same...There really is something rotten going on here, I think...
But why would the votes be
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798But why would the votes be way up and then all of a sudden go way down again? That's what I don't get.
Gravel '08
Because They Decided to Count Mail In Ballots...
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by J. Skyler McKinleyThen decided to mirror the FL SOS and NOT count those ballots.
Or there was an error.
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by seventy-oneOur hope is that Sen. Gravel did disproportianately well in the mail in ballots (which makes a lot of sense, as he was the only one campaigning there- and I think those are hand-counted, not electronic- not that I'm sure there's foul play, but I'm throwing it out there).
I'll just take a wait and see approach- I'm sure you guys will get to the bottom of it.
Maybe we should all contact the NY Times?
It Would be Hypocritical ...
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by J. Skyler McKinleyFor us to call the New York Times, because they've changed their results to match that of the Florida Secretary of State, whose office does not count mail-in ballots yet.
The Mainstream Media was wrong in first reporting that we got 20K votes outright. They are not technically wrong now in reporting that we're hovering around 3000.
Before we stop and think, let's wait and see. The results should equalize as soon as we know more.
If that's the case...
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Sharonthen do you think it's possible that the MSM don't want anyone to know how well Mike was doing? This is all so unfair!
I don't think they can do
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798I don't think they can do that. If the campaign feels this could be the case, I'm sure we'd call for a recount. However, it is still early and the results could change.
Gravel '08
Also, check out the
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by ArouetteAlso, check out the reporting status link: http://enight.dos.state.fl.us/2008PPP/20080129_STAT.html Most of the Central Time Zone precincts in Florida (where I am at the moment) haven't reported in yet. And according to the website, they certify *all* of a precinct's votes at once, including early voting and mail in ballots.
Yes, it looks fishy. It may well be fishy. But those not-reporting-yet precincts may well be the answer - if perhaps the early results were based upon an uncertified count of *all* early voting, and then were revised to reflect the results coming in. Also - I think the Central precincts are going to trend a bit more towards Mr. Gravel, as they're a bit more independent in nature.
I'll just pray those numbers
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798I'll just pray those numbers go back to 22,000!
Gravel '08
I genuinely suspect foul
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by HitsumeiI genuinely suspect foul play. Removing thousands of votes is an insult to the Floridian voters who had the sanity to support Gravel.
I really want Gravel to have a chance to win. I just hope that my vote will not be suppressed when I will vote for him on February 12th in Maryland.
If votes are being suppressed, then what can I do? I want to help him win as an 3rd party candidate in November, but I really wonder if my book can have an impact.
I agree. Hopefully this will
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798I agree. Hopefully this will get fixed, if not, I'm sure Sen. Gravel and Co. will call for a recount.
Gravel '08
Thank you for letting me
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by HitsumeiThank you for letting me know that Gravel got 3% of the vote with the New York Times.
Earlier today, I had a severe nervous breakdown because I have been so pessimistic about the future.
However, this piece of information reassured me.
Is it normal for me to feel extremely depressed when people don't take me seriously in my "get to know Gravel" campaign in MD? I feel like Cassandra sometimes. I don't want to be told "I'm right" years later. I just want to live, finish my studies and improve this country.
I don't want to die in a nuclear world war this spring.
Sorry to hear that.
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Shawn in LouisvilleDon't take it too hard, though. Imagine how Mike feels, trying to get his message out every day to people who are so apathetic. The Catch 22 of implementing the National Initiative is that the people have given up power for so long, they don't even think it's possible to take it back. And when most people think something is impossible they won't give it any attention, and they'll mock you for trying.
The people in this campaign are not most people. Mike is certainly not most people. We are the kind of people that look at the impossible as a challenge. We root for the underdog, because persistence is a hallmark of character. We are inspired by someone that won't give up when the going gets tough. We respect someone that slogs it out day after day not for personal gain, but because it is the right thing to do.
You're lucky to live in Maryland, you might actually be able to protest in DC once in a while, and meet other folks that care as much about their country as you do. Having some good intelligent company will certainly lift your spirits, and inspire you to do great things!
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by seventy-oneWhich count is correct? NY Times or the Florida Department of State? http://enight.dos.state.fl.us/
It also does look like they're far behind in precinct reporting....
I'm praying that the NY Times one is right, plus it just makes more sense...
The NY Times count is
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by Brian798The NY Times count is correct. The other one is way behind, every candidates totals are way off.
Gravel '08
CNN Mention
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by ArouetteActually, CNN had a mention of him just under an hour ago. Shortly thereafter, though, they called the state for Hillary, and have spent the last hour arguing about the Republicans.
Not a mention, but an
Submitted on January 30th, 2008 by ArouetteNot a mention, but an onscreen graphic just flashed 2% for Gravel. 44% of districts reporting.
The correction question
Submitted on January 31st, 2008 by parisdThe right question to ask CNN or any other outlet is if Gravel is so insignificant, why are they so afraid of reporting on his numbers or campaign. They are all part of the military industrial complex.