The Democrats Need to Be Spanked and Spanked Hard

This has been coming for a long time. I’ve been watching the politicians in Washington very closely to see exactly how they intended to manage an administration that is so extremely neo-conservative that they are dangerous to this country and the world. I’ve seen heroic stances by some like Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, Patrick Leahy, Russ Feingold and even Ron Paul. However, this is not enough. We’ve seen Cynthia McKinney disenfranchised as well as others that have stood up to tyranny and war. Meanwhile, while all of this has taken place, the Democratic Party has been split down the middle and has offered no protection or support to any that oppose the horrendous regime in Washington.  


Now the Democrats tell us that they will end this war in Iraq, yet no candidate will agree to pull out of the country, telling us that we will have a “presence” there for years. The Democrats have fallen short of every stated goal that they promised during the 2006 Congressional Elections. They have supported funding at every request from this administration for more useless carnage in Iraq. The Speaker of the House took impeachment “off the table” and it’s still off the table, even though this President declared that he authorized torture in violation of US and International Law. The Democrats have played politics with the revisions of our basic Constitutional rights as witnessed by the Patriot Act 1 and 2, The Military Commissions Act of 2006 that negated Posse Comitatus, the law that was written to prevent the President or anyone else from using the military for law enforcement inside the US, unless mandated by Congress.


Those examples of the breakdown of Constitutional Government are just a few of the draconian measures that have been put forth since this phony ‘Global War on Terror” started on 9/11/2001. To this day we have not positively identified who was responsible for the attacks. The government tells us who did it, but no formal investigation and charges have been made, while the Democrats have sat on their hands in fear. This behavior from Democrats has been going on for the last seven years. Now we are embroiled in a General Election and they have the audacity to ask us to support their corporate controlled candidates.


Corporate control, or should I say the Military Industrial Complex, are the puppet masters behind the scenes of both major political parties.  So far the candidates have spent $586.1 Million and raised $791.8 Million dollars for their political coffers. This is before the General Election segment of the race for President. The cost of becoming President will run into the Billions for the first time in American history. Meanwhile, candidates that don’t tow the corporate MIC line are marginalized and thrown off debates. This has been happening for decades now, and neither party has addressed this issue of corporate money in politics save John McCain and Russ Feingold that introduced a campaign reform bill that was too little, too late.


I know what the Republicans that control their party want. They are very vocal about what it is that drives them. Although they have outspent every prior administration in history they claim that they want “fiscal responsibility”. They also believe in faith based initiatives, something that is actually prohibited by our Constitution that proposes a separation of church and state. The majority of Republicans actually support this war in the Middle East, although I believe not as many as the GOP thinks. Still, the Republicans are forthright in what they stand for. I may not agree with them, but I understand them.


Not so the Democrats that say they that they are against the war and want to restore the Constitution. I believe nothing of what they claim to stand for when I see the people that work for the two Democratic contenders. I see their campaign donations and I realize that they are backed by the same MIC that backs Republican candidates. “Republican Light” is not just a clever description of the Democratic Party. It is a cold hard fact in this 21st Century. The Democrats pander to the liberal/left, but they will not support anything that we propose. They mollify us in the hope that we will dutifully back the “lesser of two evils”. This type of reasoning has also gone on too long. I believe that Americans that believe in Liberal principles are totally fed up with the political machines that run Washington, and their collusion with lobbyists and their backing by the MIC.


The Democrats have dug their own grave by inaction and a lack of decisiveness on almost every issue that is presented to them. John Conyers is a perfect example of a stooge. He calls for impeachment and asks for co-sponsors on his bill, and when he gets the number that will co-sponsor the bill, he raises the ante and claims he needs more. Is this the “checks and balances” that the American people expect from the opposition party? Meanwhile, our President is guilty of a multitude of crimes that are considered by our laws to be treasonous. The Democrats have voted for every military appropriations bill to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Democrats have voted with the Republicans on almost every bill that shreds our Constitution.


Now, when election time draws near, they finally stand up to the Administration on the FISA Bill that would give immunity to the telecommunications companies that illegally wiretapped American citizen’s on the Federal Governments say so. They call this a brave stand, but they won’t indict the President for authorizing the illegal wiretaps of his citizen’s in the first place! Why do Americans continue to support a political party that claims to be the “opposition” party to the neo-con regime we have in power, and colludes with them on almost everything?


I was a Democrat for over 50 years. It pains me to write the things I’m writing, but I would rather speak the truth than to comfort myself with the idea that this nation will be better with Democrats controlling the government. I would ask every citizen to forget about the two parties and vote your conscience. Vote for the person with the most integrity and not because he has a jackass for a political symbol. Vote Green, vote Independent, vote for the best candidate that will end these wars and restore the Constitution. It is a fallacy that only a Republican or a Democrat can win the Presidency. The two parties recite that mantra along with the corporate owned mainstream media until the masses believe it. Ross Perot received 24% of the vote when he ran. The Libertarian Party has ballot access in 48 States and will have all 50 before the election.


I’m not telling anyone who to vote for, all I’m asking is that you revue the work of the Democrats for the last seven years and make your decision on whether you trust them to change anything. Political parties should be a thing of the past. Having a Democratic majority in Washington won’t change things or restore our Constitution. Truthfully, I’d be ecstatic to see Democrats turning their backs on the Democratic Party. They deserve to be spanked, and spanked hard, especially by Liberal/Progressives.


That’s the way I see it.


... the Dems need to be spanked ...



... then the Republicans need to be thrown in jail.


It's starting to rain here.

Gas hit a dollar thirty  per liter at the pumps about 4.67 gal today -  - either somebody lied to us about oil reserves or someone lied to us about the war. And I suspect even though oil reserves do have limits - the war 'seconded' the motion for Profit Venturers.


Supposed to rain in barrels.

Anybody guessing how bad it will get? Even the affluent civil servant is feeling the pinch - questioning how far the prices will go ... 

jobs POURING out and government  holding the door for them to go.


Wish they were barrels of oil

or money, or sanity amidst the voting electorate. The whole world is watching to see how the vote will go. That's why Obama is still in the race.

But the superpowers - those who control the money aren't worried - they are 'letting it happen' They have their own solutions , Obama won't touch the money. He will be drawn into tax increases and relief programs for the onetime middle class. - Hell, it's happening allready.


Not raining barrels of oil ...

It's going to grind to a halt one day and if all these FEMA relief centers don't give one pause for thought nothing will. Our caring government is opening its' arms best it can to comfort and care for those about to be seriously economically depressed. 

This government  also can not - in any sense of the word, avoid the market place crash that is coming. What our super educated high tech populace does understand is a fundamental change is due.


We need a flood of money, or something to replace it  - like the cell phone generation - no more sticks in the mud. Can Gen-X do it?  Of course they can. In 20 years a world wide Gen-X society will form that will banish capital venture - ,

yeah, we can always hope ..



Demoblican censorship! For Shame!

Demoblican censorship! For Shame!

I get a kick out of your righteous outrage at Demoblican censorahip... while exercising Libertarian censorship, immediate, anonymous, and silent right here on this site!

You're like whited sepulchers yourselves!


Times have changed. We are going to empower the American people. Let’s work together. I am tough. I’m not afraid. None of this politics as usual. Mike Gravel (not affiliated with, I hope)


When did you ever get censored?

 I've heard you make this accusation before, but I haven't heard any specifics. When did you get censored, and what was the nature of your post?

And what is this about "Libertarian censorship"? I may not agree with everything hard-line Libertarians might say, but the term "Libertarian censorship" is a bit of  a contradiction in terms.

You're statements are very general and vague. What are your ***specific*** accusations?



National Staff

Volunteer Moderator


When... What... Contradiction

When... about two weeks ago? What... two postings, both in response to Libertarian postings.

One was short and  I don't remember it's specific contents. The other was longer and in response to, and I paraphrase, " ...sure second hand smoke will hurt the people who work in bars and restaurants but those people freely choose that line of work". So let 'em drop dead. The only copies of those postings were obliterated by someone on this blog who was able to so so. I don't keep copies of what I post to blogs. Do you? My posts were dropped summarily, without comment. I was disappeared

A contradiction in terms. Yeah!  But then everything about Libertarianism is a contradiction in terms.

I looked at your links, Timothy Gatto, and agree with your criticism of Obama; frankly don't believe your assertions that all the Neocons on your list are dual US/Israeli citizens and await proof or a retraction; and think that you're chasing the will'o'the wisp after the Rothschilds with the third. But the "authorities" at the blogs you posted those articles should have said something along those lines themselves rather than disappearing you. However, someone is paying the bill at all these outlets and ultimately what gets published and what does not is in those hands. Just like the MSM. Freedom of the press is for those that own one.

I'm a bit surprised that the owner of this particular outlet has allowed it to be censored.

But just a bit. All institutions tend toward corruption, and it is by sheer dint of human intervention that corruption is held at bay. Without human intervention the end is predictable. We are witnessing it now on scales great and small.


Times have changed. We are going to empower the American people. Let’s work together. I am tough. I’m not afraid. None of this politics as usual. Mike Gravel (the owner of this blog)


On OpEdNews,Daily Kos and TPM

The following article got me banned from OpEdNews;

The folowing got me banned from TPM Muckraker:

This one got me put off Daily Kos:


So am  I dangerous or what?

Mr. Gatto

I just wanted to say thank you for all of the hard work that you have done. I have always enjoyed reading your articles, and it's a crime that your voice is no longer heard in the media. Please continue to speak your truths, and realize that there are people who are listening, and more importantly, agreeing with what you are saying! Take care, and thanks again!





That's sad.  You're a

That's sad.  You're a writer who was on some very famous blogs and now you're stuck posting on a candidate's forum?  That's just sad.


Is there anything we can do to help?

I'm Still Out There

I still post on Countercurrents, MyDD, Smirking Chimp and as well as Daily Scare and occsaionally on Rense and ICH. Don't worry about me being marginalized, I'll post on whomever accepts my articles. We all should be doing that. Thanks for your support. I post here because I support Mike. He's the only one speaking about the things that need to be said. I miss posting on, it's still one of my favorite sites. If anyone wants to write Rob Kall and ask him to reconsider my ban, that would be helpful.

I didn't realize who you

I didn't realize who you are!  I can't believe you got kicked off, I really liked your stuff that you wrote about Gravel.

I Guess You All Will Have to Put Up With Me

I've been kicked off almost every "Progressive" site and now I'm here. Just goes to show you how rabid people can get when "conditioned" from drinking that new Kool-Aid the Dems are offering along with the MIC.

I too appreciate your writing

Just wanted to pipe in with my 2 cents to thank T. Gatto for his service and his talent.   Your efforts are greatly appreciated.  Keep up the great work.

Wow, I was wondering why you

Wow, I was wondering why you were posting your pieces here.  This is just terrible.  I really like your work and it's good to see you will continue to write despite being punished for your integrity.


"People will have to suffer a level of frustration and anger sufficient to reason their way out of this conundrum and reach for an "out of the box" solution to their own empowerment." (page 6 of Citizen Power)

Boy, do they ever!

And hanging around the Dem boards I've never seen such vile behavior from supporters (especially on Democratic Underground). Obama's supporters, primarily. Hillary's have left in droves to escape the abuse. If they're trying to act more detestible and deluded than Bush followers, they've accomplished the seemingly impossible. I never thought I'd see such a thing and others have said so as well. The Dem party appears to be imploding because they refuse to stand for anything.

Oh, they stand for something alright

They stand for the MIC, just like the republicans. They lost me when they started treating Kucinich and Gravel so poorly. They lost me when Pelosi took impeachment off the table, and when they promised to remove us from Iraq as their stated goal for putting more dems in office in 2006 but we are still there. They have lost my support. I will no longer send them any $. When they call and ask for money, I tell them I will donate when impeachment is back on the table. :-)