Michael Moore


hey Mike - remember Sicko? universal health?


you don't return my emails Mike - don't you love me?


A little update sweetie - one in 30 Canadians don't have a doctor - and those numbers are growing fast.

Alberta - you know - the little province 3 times the size of Texas - just privatized ALL its health care administration and management.

Alberta is where our Prime Minister's riding is located. Yes - the same prime minister who is hosting his 5th G8 summit.


Ontario's new hospitals are 50/50 private/public compromises - but of course, they are totally built with taxpayers dollars. We  just can't use 'em.

Not one private dollar goes into their construction.


New Brunswick won't pass legislation ratified by both incumbent and oppostiion parties protecting senior health. It has to be 'read' to be enacted, and their premier will not allow it.


What is happening is health care is going on across the board in this country. In Quebec today, a 12 y/o daughter successfully sued her father for grounding her for posting her pics on an internet dating site. Think of the precedent. The courts are now responsible for discipline - another 'prize' for the legal vultures to gut. Forget that the next news headline read 'Calgary man in court for luring preteen via the internet.' Quebec courts felt the  3 day grounding punishment 'too severe' - and removed it, so now, let another flood gate open for beseiged parents. ( http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/06/19/father-court.html )


'Sicko' pointed to other nation's successful universal health care as contrast/example to American health - you were wrong in all of them. Only the Scandinavians have anything close to universal health, and they are, of course - Socialist.

But what is more important Mike ... being healthy or having your pie hole stuffed every time you open it?


This is a great country. We'll just overlook things like " if a woman has an extramarital affair that results in pregnancy her husband is legally responsible for all costs associated with the illegitimate child" EVEN IF THE CONCEPTION WAS KEPT HIDDEN FROM HIM! That's the law here.

We'll focus on the Alberta tar sands - America's energy for the next century. Obama says he doesn't want anything to do with 'dirty' , i.e. carbon- fuel -We don't see anything else that's going on.

It's a great place, totally different than the US.


Let me add to this (July 17) - In Alberta a senior was scalded to death when her aides turned the bath water on hot - no cold - and put her in the tub. NO charges were laid - either to the 'home' or the aides because that would interfere with the privatization of health care

So much for the fucking governors of this 'great' continent - who the hell are they anyways - not the politicians - they're lap dogs to the money men - where the fuck are these people when elders are being scalded to death? It makes my blood boil - and how many people out there want to ignore what the pursuit of wealth really costs - and ignore what the NI4D offers, (and plans like it). 


I must be foolish for contributing to Gravel - putting his  campaign signs in my windows. Advocating for the NI4D on my website.


Then again, maybe not. 


Yes Michael, you took a shot but you missed the mark by a mile - try again.







posted comment from Quebec ruling

This is unbelievable. What is this country coming too? Will this Justice attend the girl's funeral or help her get through whatever happens to her when she is lured by an on line pedophile? A 12 year old posting her pictures on a on line dating site???? The father had every reason to ground her. Last week (or earlier this week), the police arrested a man from Belgium who lured a young girl to a hotel. Police out west arrested a man after a girl's parents observed him attempting to lure their daughter. A parent has every right to protect their child and administer reasonable punishment. Unbelievable, just unbelievable.


Its frickking republicanism at its best - if you stop to think -  as  Gravel so often said in his bid for president - then you  don't belong to the human race this is fucking Bush at his best and yes i said fucking -  its a fucking crying out loud shane and it goes on an and on and grows and its just a fucking joke