Capitalism - a love story

Modern ecomonics, as the 'rant' goes, is the bastard child of the financial/political complex.

Economics true 'parents' have been comprised of a small banking elite since the gold standard came into existence, (and who cares if it is gold, oil, food, real estate or any substituted derivative that is acting as the monetary standard) - all are bastards controlled by the same handful of people.

The problems Westerners have dealing with this control are complex - number one being - confusing consumption with control, number two thinking that those who help control these monetary standards (i.e. speculators, traders, investment firms etc.) are doing what comes naturally with money.

What is needed is a standard that we control, and not consume per se.

Somewhere along the line, credit and money became homogenized, much as consumption and control did, - and, as a result - WE ARE BECOMING WORTHLESS BECAUSE OF MONEY! Worse than worthless - how ironic - look around you America - can you walk the streets at night - are the kids safe in school - we can't afford health care? Why? Is it  because we're worthless, or is it because some one made us that way?

The answer WILL be with the global villager establishing global credit or - there will never be an 'answer'. We have to give ourselves credit, we CAN NOT live without it but we are nearly at the point where that is precisely that which we are trying to do. 

And no - Michael Moore is not the global villager I refer to  - he is one more American trying to get his democracy back. At least he says he is.

What the global villager needs to do is approach the Bilderbergs - the villager as individuals, committees, and/or groups or mobs - to approach them as the single entity they are  - the Bilderberg group - and bargain with them - and bargain, and bargain - and drive a fair bargain. Our credit should be based upon our needs as human beings - and not "their" needs as an 'omnipotent' cornucopia of self indulgent cretins.

There is approximately a ridiculous 75 million people to every Bilderberg member - more than  enough pressure can be brought to establishing an equitable system of credit, and then maybe we can do something  besides waitng for the next impoverishment, the next indignity, the next bullet.

Maybe we can get on with living.


it's pretty obvious what is

it's pretty obvious what is going on - GWB gloated while people died

I thank Mike on a daily basis for giving us an opening to see and to do and to feel

to express and one day - hopefully soon - to accomplish - it's truly an educating - a teaching and learning process - that I feel very priviledged to be a part of -

Ellen Brown,, state banking

 I don't know about the Bilderbergs... I have been following Ellen Brown's work for state banks, built on the model of the Bank of North Dakota. That seems doable... the idea has gained some traction with candidtes for state office here and there.

Check it out , Ellen Brown : Click 'Public Banking' to read about the state bank proposal.

She had an eye-opener on program trading yesterday :  Computerized Front Running: Another Goldman-dominated Fraud


Times have changed. We are going to empower the American people. Let’s work together. I am tough. I’m not afraid. None of this politics as usual. -- Mike Gravel


Michael Moore?

Michael Moore is not the global villager I refer to  - he is one more American trying to get his democracy back. At least he says he is.

MM allowed me to post these comments on his website - we are all frustrated - to put it mildy - we have all had enough of 'thier' needs as an omnipotent 'cornucopia' of self indulgent cretins.

You gotta fight fire with fire - I'm hunting - very hard