Violent Video Games

I like what I see when it comes to this candidate, but I have a few questions.


In short, I am curious as to what Mike Gravel's stance on violent video games as well as violence in other media is, and if he has any specific policies regarding it.


Like walking through a graveyard

I began to read this thread and thought " Hey look at all these interesting and interested folks writing at Mike's place again!" Then of course I noriced the dates... and realized I was walking through a graveyard. I hope Hitsumei's OK, and still ( planning on ) running for her congressional seat.

The folks who sell the video games are just like the folks who sell heroin... or the people who sell Hummers, or the people who broadcast "our" televison... just giving the people "what they want". Can't legislate it away. But the monoply status that prevents an alternative from displacing all that crap has to be removed. Same with the Republicrat/Demoblican system, right?

As for adults commiting suicide by cop, in "a blaze of glory'... well they are "glorified" by the media after they've killed so many of their betters on the way out of the theater, aren't they.

How about an unbroken chain of responsiblity for every firearm in the country, from the day it's imported or manufactured until the day it's melted down for scrap? Someone sold the suicide-murderer his weapon and that someone needs in every case to explain the circumstances of the sale. And that goes for the weapons that kill innocents all over the world as well.

Qui bono... to whose benefit.. that's what needs to be asked. Who benefits from the way things are at present. In the case of violent murders and suicides... and warfare around the world... it's the manufacturers and dealers in weapons, the godfathers of the NRA.


Times have changed. We are going to empower the American people. Let’s work together. I am tough. I’m not afraid. None of this politics as usual. -- Mike Gravel


Interesting to stumble across this thread.

There was an article this morning on Stephen King is speaking out with respect to Massachusetts potentially banning violent video games (or at least making those under 18 unable to purchase them). He brought up the fact that it isn't the violent video games, but the growing gap between haves and have nots and our country's gun laws.

Thank God someone said it. 

Thank God someone said it.  I'm tired of these so-called "liberals" trying to protect us from real threats in made-up ways.  What's the solution to the problems with our elections and voting system?  Blame Nader!  Why do terrorists want to attack us?  Because we're free!  Why don't third party and independent candidates do well?  Because they're crazy!


Goddamnit, when will our country wake up from this daze it is in, and do something intelligent for once!

I totally agree

I'm a bit torn on gun control. On the one hand, I recognize and agree it is our right to bear arms (especially with the direction our government is going in these days). But at the same time, I recognize that there ARE mentally ill people out there that have no business carrying them. I can also see a slippery slope there where all you have to do is claim someone is crazy to take those rights away from them. I also wonder how many of those with mental illnesses are due to the over-medication of our society and the effects of those medications. It's a conundrum.


I don't like violence and I don't like it when video games are REALLY graphic, but I also don't believe in dumbing down and idiot-proofing the entire country in order that we can babysit someone's kids. I believe that a lot of the violence in these games is due to our militarization in this country, our increasingly police-state culture and, as King mentions, the increasing gap between haves and have nots. When people get desperate, violence DOES increase.

On a lighter note...

I agree with what everyone's said, saying it's the parent's responsibility.But I've recently come to the conclusion that violent video games don't cause violent children, violent video game haters like Jack Thompson cause violent children.  Considering I've heard so many people tell me how much they want to kill Mr. Thompson.No, I'm not really serious.  But the point is, by the logic of saying durr violent video games cause violent people, then exposing children to the hatred and poison that oozes out of Mr. Thompson's mouth sure can't be healthy (I guess I should explain - Jack Thompson is a lawyer famous for attacking rappers and violent video games, and has blamed every school shooting since Columbine on violent video games).

I don't think the problem

I don't think the problem really is video games. I think the real problem is our culture of militarism. When the army tries to attract teens with attractive ads, when there are military parades during the 4th of July, when there are toy guns everywhere, when there are US army halloween costumes (honestly, who would want to dress up as a soldier for Halloween?)...


When I was 12 years old, Joe Lieberman's hatred of video games scared me (I was for Nader in November 2000). I played video games (Tomb Raider, Alundra, Final Fantasy...) when I was young (and I still do), and I'm ok. However, I admit that I avoided games like GTA because I felt like they were in poor taste.


Video games, TV series...are reflections of reality, not the other way around.


If one wants to accuse anyone, one should look at the military industrial complex that is militarizing our culture and also the news media (ie real life). The media gives the impression that real life is getting trashier by the day and makes us accept this garbage, and I think that the obscene content in movies, video games, TV series is nothing compared to what news networks announce.

I think Gravel is for free

I think Gravel is for free speech.



The problem with this issue

The problem with this issue is I honestly do not believe video game violence makes children violent.
Its. the parents. If you do not want your child to play violent video games or watch violent movies
then you set-up parental controls or you monitor what your child plays. Its simple.

So I feel NO sympathy for a parent who complains about violence in the media. YOU are the parent, YOU
control that child's life until they are of age, YOU have no one to blame but yourself.

And yes, there is alot more violence in the media nowadays, but thats has nothing to due with our world
becoming more violent. Its just that there are more sources for us to get our hands on, and cameras
are everywhere capturing every second of the daily going-on of our lives.

But again, I reiterate, PARENTS have CONTROL over their children. You don't want them watching something
or listening to certain types of music, then YOU turn it off and explain to them whats going on.

Sometimes I wish we could bring back corporal punishment because some of these children I see day in
and day out need a good whooping to keep them in line.


So what's your opinion of Seung-Hui Cho at Viginia Tech?

Cho did those shootings at Virginia Tech and he was an adult (23 years old).  Apparently lack of parenting wasn't a factor. 

My thoughts…

It is not the job of the government to tell kids what video games that can and cannot play. It is the parents’ job. It’s as simple as that.


Agree totally!  Parents job

Agree totally!  Parents job 100 percent, the government has enough problems of thier own.