I get to meet the president? Too bad...

Well, I'm meeting the president this weekend.  I'm going to the opening of the new Washington Nationals stadium, and a few related parties, and he will be there.  I might even get to shake his hand... damnit.


So there will be a lot of powerful political figures (including, most likely Wolf Blitzer, but other than that I don't really know who will be there) at these parties.  I figure that I will be outraged just by seeing them.  So I'm wondering if there is a subtle, polite way to voice my outrage, throw in a good word for Gravel, etc. without being impolite.  It is a privelege for me to even be there, and I don't want to draw attention to myself or embarass the hosts or anything like that.


What do you suggest?


So I went to the opening of

So I went to the opening of the stadium last night.  I didn't get to meet the president, but I did get to see him and Laura Bush from about 100 ft away.  I also saw Michael Chertoff, Wolf Blitzer, George Will, Connie Chung, and Maury Povitch.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much of an opportunity for conversation with anyone, so Gravel's name didn't get dropped at all.

Do you have a button?

If you've got a Gravel button, wear it on a sweater or something.


I don't have one...

I don't have one...

Maybe a reporter will interview you...


...then you might get a chance to mention Mike Gravel.



National Staff

Volunteer Moderator



I think that's my best hope

I think that's my best hope for now.  Unfortunately, I'm young enough that I can be easily dismissed (although these people can easily dismiss anyone they don't like), but I'll try my best!

Just get up close to some reporter....


...and act all "young and starry-eyed" about being there.  Some reporter might be like, "Oh, isn't this sweet...the young people..."

Then drop the G-bomb



National Staff

Volunteer Moderator



Great idea!

Great idea!