Any thoughts of a Movie about Sen. Gravels life?

Any thoughts of Sen Gravel writing a script for a movie about his life?  Not just a biography but like a full feature film.  From his cab driving years, to senator, to the release of the Pentagon Papers to the fight for the Presidency as a Libertarian?   Perhaps it can get some exposure for the NI4D and show people that things are not much is different other than the cowards that occupy our government now.   I think its something definatly note worthy enough to be made into a feature film I would also think a lot of people would come to see it. i know i would.


PBS airs a documentary

PBS airs a documentary series called Independent Lens that would be ideal for Mike's underdog stab at the White House.

This year the series aired the Nader documentary "An Unreasonable Man."

Previously they have aired the Granny D documentary "Run Granny Run," as well as films that looked at lesser known political candidates.

I'm not sure if anyone's been keeping a video diary of the campaign, but I think there is alot of material to be mined here - if only excerpts from the debates, interviews, YouTube etc.

What was that movie the Tom

What was that movie the Tom Hanks was just in?  It was about a senator too right?




Charlie Wilsons War!


I think the subject matter is something to draw people in, perhaps not as a movie but as a miniseries or something.  Its just that Mike has always been ahead of him time, and it could be 30 years before we see a movie about his life.




...Charlie Wilson was a Congressman from Texas. So if a movie can be made about an unknown Congressman, then why not a Senator that many people are not aware of?

Great movie, by the way!



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You're kidding, right?

You're kidding, right? Charlie Wilson funded the Mujahadeen, aka al Qaeda. He invented Osama bin Laden and Holy War. His was the blunder that got us into the mess we're in now!

The movie seems another Neocon propaganda effort.


Times have changed. We are going to empower the American people. Let’s work together. I am tough. I’m not afraid. None of this politics as usual. Mike Gravel


I don't think the movie

I don't think the movie portrays Wilson in a positive light.  I think it's a commentary on the man...

Gravel didn't campaign to

Gravel didn't campaign to start a war?

I doubt it.

I doubt such a movie would have much of a turn out at all. Sure, you and me might like Gravel, but most people's reactions to Mike Gravel are "Who the fuck is Mike Gravel?"


Here's a question, why are you die hards worrying about a movie for Gravel ? If he what he has done was important enough he should write a book like Ralph Nader and it should have no problem selling. Also, this blogger called "rossl", are you still in high school dude ?

I am still in high

I am still in high school!


I guess the problem with a lot of my comments is that you can't tell tone of voice on the internet.

Pull your head out of your

Pull your head out of your ass, or Obama's, mykyle...he's written several books and most are just being released or newly released. How old are you? Old enough to remember the late 60's, early 70's?? STOP and THINK...

"Freedom is Participation in Power"~Cicero


uu uweee! TMS. That's an image I've always  found kinesthetically challenging.

Here's an interesting perspective from another truth-telling lady, Margaret Kimberley, at Black Agenda Report:

'It is true that thousands of people became involved in politics through the Obama campaign, only to be told now that he represents the same old same old and that they had better accept it and shut up.

The Obama campaign slogan ought to be "Never give a sucker an even break." It isn't clear which sight is more painful to watch, the progressives who fell for the hype and are now heart broken or the cynics who knew the game all along and now applaud the campaign's increasingly rightward shift.'

I think that there is a growing revulsion with the duopoly's clones and that there will be a 'perfect storm' this year at the polls in November, just as Mike predicted.

Nader has embraced the NI4d as noted elsewhere here. Keep on pushing through 2008, 2010, and beyond. As Mike says :

'Therefore, we pledge our efforts, for as long as it takes, to circumvent government inertia by directly voting to enact, as the law of the land, the National Initiative for Democracy.'

We are going to get there. I have no doubt.

I am once agian heartened by Mike's balanced and good-natured example.


Times have changed. We are going to empower the American people. Let’s work together. I am tough. I’m not afraid. None of this politics as usual. Mike Gravel


The Black Agenda Report offers excellent insight

The B A R offers excellent insight, as always, this time allowing one to conclude that politicians have completely divorced themselves from representing the people.


Obama didn't say much about 9/11 while he campaigned for nomination, but he did promise to put an end to the IRS, one among many of his financial reform plans. You'll never hear another word about those issues again. He was lip syncing to the masses, and they ate it up and came back for seconds.


The fact that 9/11 was a non-issue raised my suspicions. 9/11 was the catalyst Bush needed to begin implementing the 'New World Order'. Now 'he' thinks 'he' can achieve a 'it' by raising the price of oil. 


Except - when the oil dries up, money and and many things including the NWO won't have nearly the clout it thinks it has.


Oil - the 'hands off topic' of the day. People went through the roof when gas hit 3$/gal and they're quiet when it's at 5$. Very ominous.


Have we morphed into a people whose motto of 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' now reads 'Perpetual problem solving via disingenious politics'?


You could flip a coin to find the answer.


For many there is no out already, and many more are beginning to sense there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Change is coming at a breakneck pace. Change that begs the question ...



Will America be defeated by itself.


Congratulations on turning off Caps-Lock!

Congratulations on turning off Caps-Lock! Myke.

So how come you keep showing up here anyway? Is Obama so worried about disgusted Americans walking away from the "Change without changing" candidate that they've detailed you to sweep the Gravel contingent back into the fold? Good luck.

I don't know about Rossl but a lot of the bloggers here are young. That's a great, great strength. They have energy to burn and they have staying power. You cannot have a movement without the young.

Young folks like videos. Here's one for you : Bob Dylan and the Band : Forever Young

Dylans got a squeaky old voice though. And the lyricas are old and tired. Might not apeal to you.

Me though, I'm following the kids.


Times have changed. We are going to empower the American people. Let’s work together. I am tough. I’m not afraid. None of this politics as usual. Mike Gravel


He's written several books

Pay more attention, "Mr.-Obama-diehard". 



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